"One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity."
-Dr. Martin Luther King
A lonely island of poverty
stricken by the fury of earth
shaken and thrown flat
So many dead and dying
a world weeps with you
rushing to your aid
Sobbing empathy, futility
poor devastated country
built on the bravery of those
who once were as cattle
Property to ancestors of
those who seek now only
to help and comfort a friend
You mourn, your loss is great
so many beautiful souls
taken too soon, forever lost
Once you were as nothing
beasts to be beaten and tamed
lashed to the plow, chained in the field
Today a world weeps
hearts aching so deeply
with concern and love
As one can only feel for
You are no man's slave
today you are not poor
the hearts of the world open
to you and yours in this
time of greatest need
Haiti has felt the fury
of the lash
She has tasted
the wrath of the earth
She has invited the world
to become finally as one
with her courage and strength
If you would like to do something for the earthquake victims, there's a link to the Red Cross at the bottom of my blog.
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