"The saddest thing in the world, is loving someone who used to love you."-Anonymous

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Melancholy Wood

Step quickly
through the
shallow stream
as you
walk through
the wood
lost in
a dream

Dance to
the music
that nobody
that whispers
on the wind
in a magical way

Feel for the
so pure and serene
look to the
what does it
all mean?

You used
to know love
and now
it is lost
a thing
just discarded
wadded and tossed

You linger
in limbo
and want
to let go
but how that
will happen
you still do not

So you walk
in the forest
through the
in your mind
and search
for a new life
old left

The melody
that haunts
that nobody
whispers through
the branches
in torturous ways

It sings
of a memory
which you
cannot let go
of a girl
who once
loved you
and filled you
with hope

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