"The saddest thing in the world, is loving someone who used to love you."-Anonymous

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Would you wonder
where the jasmine had been
if you caught her
gentle scent on the wind?

Could you catch
handfuls of Autumn leaves
tumbling ,turning, gently
floating on a wish?

Should clouds fall
would they hide falling tears
as dreams lingered
in kaleidoscope chaos?

When the moon
casts shadows across her name
will sunlight bring hope
for a new tomorrow?

Do you seek
my brilliant colors?
Might I hear
your guiding voice?

Will we ever truly
know each other?
Dare we even dream
that we had a choice?

This piece was a collaboration with a truly wonderful person and amazing writer, who just happens to be a dear friend as well.
Thank you so much Isobelle.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Stars and Crickets

Fighting with the memories
living in the past
All the things I hoped to be
swept away so fast

Sitting in the cool night air
relaxing in the breeze
alone upon the fresh cut grass
beneath a somber tree

Lift a flower to the wind
one petal at a time
dealing with the mystery
why love can be so blind

So many stars and crickets
singing out to me
one sings songs of wisdom
the other, possibility

Time to lead the evil glow
away from this poor heart
be the man I used to know
before it fell apart

I'm done with the whispers
that tell me I am through
Forever I will miss her
sometimes, she'll miss me too

Today can't be forever
tomorrow will end soon
I won't be trapped in misery
I've way too much to do

So many stars and crickets
singing out to me
one sings songs of wisdom
the other, possibility

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Simple sounds resounding
echoes in a broken chamber
former lovers all but strangers

Passing in the light

Horror of tomorrow’s
hopes fading in the depths
of sorrow

Slipping from my sight

Simple smiles so reviled
while fortune claims her pound of flesh
Melancholy feeds at will
with a savage baited breath
frustration’s flight in shades of red
though surely wounded

I am not dead

She's failed to win

In a shattered vessel
who’s seen much better times

Despair dares to wail at me
assault me with her crimes

She can never take my love
for it is all that’s ever truly

Friday, June 18, 2010

Not Quite Over

As I sit alone
no longer saddened
by my fate
Simply tired
drained, somber, and confused
I think of you....

All the things, we could have been
the things we both became
leave me wondering
What should I do?
I wonder....
Do you wonder too?

Helpless, hopeless
lost in doubt
hurt and still yet
controlled by my own
and yet somehow...
(I guess I'm dealing)

Talk to the stars
listen to the moon
waiting for the sign
that should come soon
so appealing
The thought of
letting you go

I hope for a goal
and pray for a sign
looking to the day
that I might find
another heart
To take your place...

Still there's the moment
deep in the night
I've just gone to sleep
and awake with a fright
because you're not there
(love just isn't fair)

We had what we had
now it's all gone
I'm left here alone to carry on
It's a tragedy
what you've done to me

I won't live in pain
nor cry wasted tears
and I won't complain
or decry the years
that we once shared
(back when you cared)

For the moment though
I'd just like
to let

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fishing with Poppa

You have to duck down sometimes, or the light bouncing off the water is too bright. The water is so deep and clear, I swear you can see through to tomorrow. Poppa says if a person were to go all the way through the lake there's stars on the other side. I always wondered if that's why it feels so nice and warm.
When I got here, he was waiting just like he promised. He had been so busy it just blew me away. He'd built a dock of the smoothest light wood. It still had that fresh-cut smell. It went impossibly far out on the water, the supports must run very deep. Down both sides every few yards he'd placed benches formed from sturdy old pine boughes. They looked ever so wonderful and comfy.
Floating tied to one side was a beautiful wooden boat, just big enough for two people. He'd also made this one himself, there was no mistaking the skill with which it had been created. I had to giggle aloud when I saw the name on the side, Porpoise.
That was our joke. One time at the beach he asked me, "What did the shark say when when a dolphin bumped into him?"
"What Poppa?" I asked.
"You did that on porpoise!" he said with a rolling laugh and a slap of his belly.
The things we did, always made my life seem so special. How I love my Poppa. I wanted to take off running when he came walking down the hill. I hadn't seen him in so long. He waved with a big old grin on his face, motioning me towards the dock.
"They're practically begging to be caught today" he laughed, waiting to greet me with a huge hug. "You're looking good Michael, you grew up so much".
"Gosh it's good to see you Poppa, I really missed you" I said.
"Well we're together now" he said with a big welcoming smile. "We'll be together forever".
"Just like you promised Poppa" I laughed.
"Just like I promised" he echoed.
We strode the magnificent dock all the way to the end. The water was close enough to dip in our toes. It was so warm and clear. We cast our lines far into it's depthes, shoulder to shoulder, Poppa and me. The fish were certainly biting, and we laughed and smiled in the glorious summer sun.
"Poppa" I said "this is the most beautiful place I've ever been". "You built all this yourself, it's incredible".
"No Michael, I didn't build it by myself" he said "you helped me sand every board, drive every nail, to apply every single coat of paint." "I love you so much, I wanted it to be just right when you got here".
"But Poppa" I had to ask" how could you be certain that I was going to Heaven too?".

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Beyond the beautiful

spirit that you are

lie the lines in the heavens

that lead to afar

To the place that the first

light of hope rose and grew

into the promise of love

that led me to you

It's not enough to hope you are loved

It's not enough to dream

It's not enough

It's not

Beyond the moment

you think has arrived

remember those moments

of love in your life

The times you forgot

the world sometimes hurts

instead knew together

you'd handle the worst

It's not enough to remember love

It's not enough

It's not

Beyond forever

I'll never let go

to the piece of the heart

that calls your love home

I'll wrap it memories

of gentle silk bliss

like the lingering taste

of our very last kiss

It's just not enough

It's not

Beyond the beautiful

spirit that you are

lie the lines in the heavens

that lead to afar

To the place that the first

light of hope rose and grew

into the promise of love

that led me to you

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Memory's Chains

I caught a ribbon of sunshine
tied it in your hair
your radiance
just stole it's glow

Begged a rainbow
drape you in her coat
Life was then for us
so full of hope

Prayed an angel
hold you safe from harm
Paid the Devil
just to keep you warm

Walked a thousand miles,
crossed the deepest sea
Hoping you'd say yes
to eternity

Now I stand here
in the fading light
Of our best days
turned to darkest night

In the moon's glow
I cling to the past
So many memories
too good to last

Yet when I think of you
I just can't let go
In case you're wondering
I still love you so

When you think of us
don't dwell in the dark
Find that special place
where we're not apart

Grab a ribbon of sunshine
tie it in your hair
Remember a young man
who's still smiling there

Hope in the air
heart on his sleeve
One who implored you
down on his knees

"Will you marry me?"

Then ask yourself
"Am I truly free?"

Can you ever be?

Monday, March 15, 2010

Between the Lines

I tried to write you

a poem of love

would you welcome it

I don't really know

should you refuse it

honestly, I think no

I feel this love

I'm sure it's for you

though it's been decided

our time is through

a choice not made by me

simply by you, only you

I wanted to write you

the depth of my feelings

show how lost I'd become

without the beautiful wonder

of you breathing next to me

My pen betrays me again

sneaking off into sadness

scribbling "I miss you"

while I ponder love

in the memory of us

I wanted to write you

a poem of love

It's here somewhere

between the lines

Can you see it?

I still do

Friday, March 5, 2010


Sorry I seem to have abandoned my blog. Far from it. I just don't have internet at home right now, and don't feel comfortable doing this from work.
Stay tuned..........I'll be back.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fool Me Twice

Ignoring misery's toll
took another chance
placed a wounded soul
in precarious circumstance

Azure eyes of magic
her smile entrapped his soul
the outcome once more,tragic
his life so close, to whole

Committed for a lifetime
sealed it with his ring
left aching for the right sign
she wasn't everything

Hand strays to the hollow
she once occupied
with many days to follow
seeking reasons why

One true love's denial
all alone again
weeping all the while
shattered heart in chains

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Step Off

Hollow chasm beckons
chill hands of wind
serve emptiness second
always first to feed

Another somber step
a leap
embracing never
long gone
hazy mist of regret
on wings of pain

Echoing in the void
embraced by trembling arms
in crimson sorrow

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I posted some more poetry on The Poet Sanctuary. I found a thread on there where a lot of the other writers post their pictures. What a bunch of good looking people. So many different personalities and lifestyles as well. I was amazed to discover that a few of my favorite writers were much younger than me. They expressed themselves with depth and maturity that's sometimes hard to find in the very young.

I spent last night with my daughter. she's getting so big. She's "boy crazy" these days. She likes one boy, but another one likes her, and she's not going with either of them......yet. They have a dance at school this Friday, I'm sure the drama will progress from there.
Sadly, the dance will begin with a memorial to one of her friends, Ebony. Ebony was killed this week when she was accidentally shot by her brother, she was only 12.
Rest in peace Ebony......

My new best friend and I are talking again about tattoos. She is thinking of getting a big one up her side. It will really be beautiful if they do a good job. I have the itch for a new one too. I just can't make up my mind which one to get. Maybe a few more sit-ups and I'll get the one for my chest....more likely another for the arm though.

Well, I am at work, I should work.
I'll post my new poem later tonight, unless I get too drunk at bowling :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Pain She Bears

Tormented by insecurity
unaware of
her angelic beauty
she sits
in silent glory
seething with
a fury

She works to
get through
every day
struggling for
the words to say
the things inside
she knows
she shouldn't hide

Share the pain
It's what she needs
Stop the tears
the seeds
of doubt
that fill her
worried mind

Dreams and waking moments
often are the same
she doesn't know
what's wrong
or whom it is
to blame

A little girl
who loves her
A man,
devoted too
She's tired of
the wonder
of what she is
to do

They wrap her up
in laughter
try to touch
her soul
She finds it
so hard
for her to
let it go

as she lie down
she begins to pray

"Please God let them
both be there
when this pain
goes away."

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Bring on the Rain

Walking in the darkness
housed within his heart

Speaking to his demons
as if they strode apart

Foul sorrow to the left of him
sheer heartache on the right

Both cast cruel whispers
that echo in the night

Caressing flames of anguish
lie looming in his path

Scarlet-hued reminders
of a life left in the past

Thunder's boast relentless
wild lightning flares again

Still he stumbles listless
driven by the pain

Off into the distance
tears shared with the rain

Mantra of Mourning

Fate and fortune
can turn on a dime
All you have left is
memories and time

“ I’ll say one thing
about love and life”

I still bless the day
that I met my wife

Sharing with me
the fullest of years
Complete with laughter
comfort and tears

She warmed my soul
on the coldest of days
Our love was perfect
in so many ways

Fate and fortune
can turn on a dime
All you have left is
memories and time

“I’ll say another thing
about love and life”

Not everything lovely
Turns out alright

Pain can tear through
the sweetest of dreams
Happiness is fleeting,
so eager to leave

“I’ll say this last thing
about love and life”

Neither of them exist
since I lost my wife

Fate and fortune
can turn on a dime
All you have left is
memories and time

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Limbo of Love Lost

Despondent suffering soul
sobbing in the solitude
of a house suffused with spirits

Taunting shades of a wayward life
whose stark suffering peals in a
cacophony of mocking desolation

Emptiness’ everlasting echoes
declare fate's cruel joke
perpetrated on a fool's heart

Ripped wantonly asunder
amid a perversely callous
tragedy of farewell

Suspended in time
unwilling or unable
to venture further on a
cold forsaken path

Burdened by longing
for the past

Free from hope
for the future

Friday, January 29, 2010


Who's been searching
for you
my whole life?

There you were

Smoke and mirrors


Beautiful fantasy of
a yesterday
that never was?

Fleeting glimpse of

No, not you

She's with

If I only imagined

Why do I still
taste your kiss
seek your smile
long to hold you?

Mischevious mirage
step aside
allow the arrival
of my true love

I feel as if we've met
Have we?

No one is here
I am alone

I wonder

If there was never
there could
not have been

Maybe I'm not even

Lost at Sea

I wondered if I could
see beautiful again
in words or deed
or anything

I don't

I doubted I could
hope again
it felt like

I gave up

I prayed
my life make
sense again
to a God
I don't believe

It doesn't

I reached
out to another
to fill the void
you left

Touching nothing

I get up
and walk through
life alone
noone to call
no place
to call home

I try to
cope with all
these things
yet in the silence
is pain and anger
sorrow, hurt
an emptiness
like Hades curse

It's my fault

I had a chance
to be with you
and always thought
that I would too
but then the time came
that we failed
the ship of my dreams
up and sailed

Forever away
into the fading light
of the last happy day
I knew

Monday, January 25, 2010

Afterlife Second Chance

So when they
grow old together

Now it will be apart

So terribly sad
an ending

To so beautiful a start

They knew love
like wildfire
both touched by
the flame

None could aspire
to reach any higher
nor see their
passion tamed

They stared up
at the same stars

For a dozen years now gone

Though cold, and up
so very far

They wished on every one

Times they took together
to show their daughter love
there for her whatever
no sacrifice too much

Those stars ride
the twilight sky
That wildfire's
long burned out

Happiness became
a deep divide
Across which
a lone man shouts

"I loved you then "
"I love you now"
"We'll meet again "
"I don't know how"

"Perhaps up in the twilight sky
in heaven when our lives pass by?"

"You'll know me as an old dear friend
and one you'd care to love again"

"I'll run to you on feet of wings
forgiving all those painful things"

"To finally spend eternity
The way I'd always hoped to be"

Friday, January 22, 2010

Just a house

Sitting sobbing, sorrowfully staring
blindly woeful upon the window's
pitiful barrier to a forlorn bitter wind
quaking in abject terror of a vicious force
so ravenously hungry to sweep away
forcefully every fragile shard of a ruthlessly
shattered heart, maliciously scattering
upon the rapidly rushing river of tears
encircling a structure that was once called

The Thief

Taste the
of her kiss

One thing
more than all
you miss

Embrace the
of her phantom

Another thing
you miss
so much

as her whisper
from the past

her loss
this time
more than
the last

Reach to her
in comfort
to the space
she used
to take

only empty
your mistake

She's gone
and you still
feel her

Spin your
missing ring

You let
steal her

He took

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Welcome to the World

"One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity."
-Dr. Martin Luther King

A lonely island of poverty
stricken by the fury of earth
shaken and thrown flat

So many dead and dying
a world weeps with you
rushing to your aid

Sobbing empathy, futility
poor devastated country
built on the bravery of those
who once were as cattle

Property to ancestors of
those who seek now only
to help and comfort a friend

You mourn, your loss is great
so many beautiful souls
taken too soon, forever lost

Once you were as nothing
beasts to be beaten and tamed
lashed to the plow, chained in the field

Today a world weeps
hearts aching so deeply
with concern and love
As one can only feel for

You are no man's slave
today you are not poor
the hearts of the world open
to you and yours in this
time of greatest need

Haiti has felt the fury
of the lash
She has tasted
the wrath of the earth

She has invited the world
to become finally as one
with her courage and strength

If you would like to do something for the earthquake victims, there's a link to the Red Cross at the bottom of my blog.

So Anyway

The poems I post here are something I've always dabbled at. I love to write. I also have a collection of poems that aren't all depressing,I'm just not in that mood lately.
Anyone that reads my writing on this site should understand something. This is not a forum for me to bash on anyone. I got really hurt, and drew a lot of inspiration from my pain. But I'm to blame for a lot of what happened too. It's never just one person that fails in a relationship. I was just really blind to everything, her issues, my issues, the whole thing.
These poems are just signposts on my journey out of darkness. I hope you will read them and maybe keep up with them. I'd love to hear any comments anyone has on the writing. I don't really need any commentary on her, or encouragement for me because no matter how well intended, that stuff still hurts.

I'd love to know what you think of my poems though.


Melancholy Wood

Step quickly
through the
shallow stream
as you
walk through
the wood
lost in
a dream

Dance to
the music
that nobody
that whispers
on the wind
in a magical way

Feel for the
so pure and serene
look to the
what does it
all mean?

You used
to know love
and now
it is lost
a thing
just discarded
wadded and tossed

You linger
in limbo
and want
to let go
but how that
will happen
you still do not

So you walk
in the forest
through the
in your mind
and search
for a new life
old left

The melody
that haunts
that nobody
whispers through
the branches
in torturous ways

It sings
of a memory
which you
cannot let go
of a girl
who once
loved you
and filled you
with hope

Dragon's Wings

She lie awake
and thought of
like starlit skies
and dragon's wings
She felt unworthy
of her dreams
and settled for
so many things

He thought
her worthy
of a king
endless love
and everything
their love
was not to be
he dreamed to see
her flying free

Aloft and soaring
to and fro
lighting the sky
with a
radiant glow

He wept to see
her now in
the chains
of someone
filled full with
For never
will her caged
heart sing
nor soar
on dragon's wings

She deserved
the man
he should have
they might be
now more
than just friends

She lie dreaming
while awake
and wondered
how long
it would take
to realize
the truth
of things
and finally
her dragon's wings


Another day
in a life
of pain

his heart
lie still
in a drying
blood stain

he doesn't
to hope

yet remain

trick him
he's near

he's lost
his love
and so
his way

should he
go or stay

afraid to
draw a

in a world
that just
has nothing

Gathering Strength

Memories sweet
lost in the past

Love, life, and dreams
too perfect to last

Dance with her

Only now in
your dreams

Tears on her letter

Soul torn at
the seams

Give all you have
live only for now

Keep yesterday true
no matter how

Live for the day
the pain goes away

Those three words
aren't painful to say

"I love you" was hers
and for noone else

She's chosen
a different path
For life, and herself

Time to move
let go of the pain

Live for the day
you're happy again

Stolen Inspiration

I often sat before this keyboard

thinking of you

Beautiful words would just appear

I did not sense contact with the keys

as if I thought them onto the screen

My heart grew with a love for you

as poetry beat it's way from my soul

to honor you, my love for you

Pictures of our love eternal

removed from me a need to even dream

The other side, the dark side

so much I did not know

Your secrets, painful awful secrets

I know them now, enough of them

Don't tell me anymore, ever, I beg you

It's all sadness and pain, deep and cutting

I write sorrow now

grey nights, dead flowers, weeping

broken heart, poor me, pity me

I want to find a way back

to the beautiful words

I haven't given up

It's so dark and yet

I know they exist, somewhere

They came freely, so often before

I know it was you

who took them

Please, give them back

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Beauty's True Face

She has a perfect heart ,
and loving soul

Why then are her hands so cold?

She has angel eyes
and a devilish smile

Behind which hide her callous wiles

Her laugh is like a crystal bell

Her smile makes life a living hell

She keeps their hearts waiting in line

Like a fool, I gave her mine

She keeps it there in easy reach

Her bloody grip on every piece

She sets alight the summer sky

Just to watch it burn and die

She has a perfect heart and loving soul

Why then are her hands so cold?

Life is a Country Song

Today I woke up all alone
maybe for the rest of my life
another man's now holding
the girl I made my wife

She decided long ago
she wanted to be free
just only recently
shared that news with me

I saw everlasting love
in the simple life we shared
her disregard for what we had
caught me unprepared

She had found a lover
maybe even more than one
never had the courtesy
to tell me we were done

Then one day she left me
I felt the whole world end
my wife simply walked away
taking my best friend

Try to understand it all
I feel like I have died
Our forever's on the wind
She never even cried

Monday, January 18, 2010

Your Chosen Path

Black raindrops
in my soul
Liquid fire drowning
any semblance of hope
Razor's caress a lover's lips
Touch of pain
Remind me to breathe

You tore viciously at
all confidence
Removed hope
with the dullest blade

Walk away, it's so easy
forget your promise
wipe your feet
on the doormat
That was our life

Build your new life
on our foundation
our past,so many dreams
Turned to dust

Enjoy him, now that we are
beyond all the hard times
No looking back

Be happy, now that we have
already raised our child
She can take care of herself
What family?

Simply take down all
the pictures of our life
It never happened

Someday he will bring you a gift
of black raindrops, liquid fire
Karma dictates
your eventual reward
You'll find no pity here

Futility in Emotion

Dark depths of desperation
within the endless echo
of selfishly abandoned dreams
resound woefully within a heart
caught completely unaware

Forever no more than
a pile of stained glass
trod upon by bloodied feet
that stumble again tragically
to a door so long ago locked
red slowly becoming black
along a winding path of melancholy

Pleading hands ashen and trembling
obsessively trace again her name
on windows blackened with despair
whilst a broken soul pities the eyes
which can find not one more tear

Salvation in a Smile

That year fate would test him
first taking his best friend
illness swept in second
knocked him down again
then he lie there thinking
what's wrong with this old heart
one last thing came stinging
to rip his world apart
the love he had was leaving
he knew not what to do
he just sat there grieving
he'd thought their love was true

He'd had his share of crying
still worried about his heart
he spent each new day trying
not to fall apart
He wandered through the daytime
to stunned to even think
not ready for the evenings
without a few stiff drinks

He woke this morning sadly
still quiet and alone
wanting oh so badly
someone to call his own
it's not like they aren't out there
it's not like he's so bad
just a bit of doubt where
his heart lie broke and sad

He'd find someone lovely
when it was again his time
meanwhile he just sits there
waiting for a sign
the only time it hurts him
is when he thinks of her
of times they spent together
when life had seemed so sure

His broken heart would mend
the loneliness will fade
he finds ways to stay a friend
to the one who got away
he can't regret a single thing
nor covet the lost tears
he'd rather appreciate
how deeply
they'd loved for all those years

Still in all his anguish
and misery these days
he'd found a way to vanquish
all but the worst of pain
he'd think of his baby
the one she'd given him
knowing he'd go crazy
if they had never been

He'd rather go through all this pain
than never see her eyes again
that first time that they laughed and played
and all his future plans were made
around that darling little child
who once upon a summer day
forever stole his heart away

a smile

Sunday, January 17, 2010

New Beginning's End

Remember when we were so nervous about the life we'd just begun?

I think of all the silly things we did
How I miss every one.

The rainy day at the old church
aglow in your white dress

How moving from your parent's home
made you such a mess

We bought that house we hated
the place was such a wreck

We worked so hard to make it
a place where I felt blessed

Our baby grew, our love did too
the years passed quickly by

Reflected in your lovely eyes
stood such a lucky guy

Remember when we were so nervous about the life we'd just begun?

The thing that hurts the worst is
how quickly it was undone

I'm sure I bear my fair share
of what we'd call the blame

I loved you all and everything
yet you ceased to feel the same

It's obvious you thought that
I could be a better man

The things you did to prove it
I'll never understand

Instead of ever telling me
exactly how you felt

You went out and gave your love
away to someone else

You left me stating simply
"I used to be carefree"

I think by then you only were
free of care for me

Now life is cold and empty
you're so happy to be gone

Lost deep in fading memories of the life we'd just begun


Honestly I think of you
much less
than once before

I thought of you
first all the time,
not so anymore

You're on my mind
right now

As you were
an hour ago

I dreamt of you
last night

This morning
I let go

At lunchtime
you came back

Crept in my head

I think of you
so seldom

Just every
now and then

Rarely do I
think of you

Just as I am
not now

I had to set
your memory free

I'll heal as time allows

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Damaged Soul Fades

Last threads of sanity
tear from my soul
drift in an eternity
no longer whole

Awash in despair
a coat of lost hope
blown on the air
of destiny's smoke

Chasing a life
that runs at my sight
sorrow and strife
beckon the night

Afraid to reveal
my face to the sun
yet warmth has appeal
where darkness has none

Last threads of sanity
abandoning my soul
a silent cry echoes
"Was I ever whole?"

A whisper of nothing
responds with a sigh
"Sadly an answer,
I cannot provide"

The laughter of silence
then leaves in a rush
afraid still to jump
I yearn for a push

Step from the shadows
chasing myself
a nervous wind taking
my last cry for help

Last threads of sanity
lie at my feet
the war with my pain
ends in defeat

For Logan

If you listen
to the rain

The angels
laugh inside

They dance
and play
and dodge
the drops

But if you
they hide

If you
wait until
it's gone

When the
Summer sun

You might
see a
on which
playful angels slide

If you drop
to your knees

In the rain
soaked grass
close one eye
and be real still

You might
just see one

I've tried
to see them
I always do

Still the only one
I've ever seen
continues to be you

Well they don't all have to be Sad Pennies do they?

Sorrow for a Stranger

"Loneliness echos inside my hardening heart
Seek out my wings or I shall perish to dust"

The words thundered in his mind
two solemn, somber, dreadful lines

He wondered who had left them there
on the transom, above his stairs

He was aware of noone here
who's pain could fill him with the fear

That echoed in those lonely words
though never spoken, clearly heard

He wondered if they'd never loved
as he stood there looking up above

The doorway to his humble home
where someone once felt so alone

He wanted more than anything
to help them find their missing wings

He felt in earnest standing there
this stranger's burden, his to share

But sadly with no place to start
he cradled his own heavy heart

And mumbled as he strolled inside

"Your wings cannot forever hide"
"Your heart,not turn to stone"
"Your pain one day, will go away"
"This was not your true home"

"In heaven where we all get wings
you too will get some."

This was written for a contest on "The Poet's Sanctuary", one of my absolute favorite places on the web. The first line was provided and had to be somewhere in the poem, the rest is all me.

Before the Snow

I stood amongst the blowing leaves
In the silence of the Fall
You lie there, with your friends
Heroes, one and all

They came for you in Springtime
now two years ago
when we both told the children
Mommy has to go

You went to fight for freedom
at least, that's what they said
the sound of your flight leaving
still echoes in my head

That phone call you made to me
when I was feeling low
You always were the brave one
God I miss you so

"Darling don't you worry
please hug both our kids
We're moving in the morning
to back up Squadron six"

"They're pinned down and it's ugly
they really need our help
I know you're worried for me
I'll take care of myself"

"I've got one piece of good news
I thought that you should know
It looks like I'll be coming home
sometime before the snow "

Carpenter's Grove

"Pull up a chair, please pardon my stare,
You remind me of someone I love."

"Care for some wine,perhaps pass the time?
I’ve never seen you,in Carpenter’s Grove?"

"Oh good, you’ll stay,you’re certainly nice.
It’s gotten so quiet since losing my wife."

"She left me you see, alone in this place,
vanished one day,without a trace."

"I imagine she’s happy, it eases the pain.
Hopefully one day,I’ll see her again."

"You see, I forgive her. How could I not?
She no longer loved me,felt lonely and lost."

"She married too young,missed out on the fun,
a newfound love promised to share."

"Yes, we had vows. You’re wondering how
she'd abandon them, without a care?"

"I wondered that too. I don’t have a clue.
Sometimes it seems life isn’t fair."

"Enough about me,I sure ramble on,
there’s been no one here,for so very long."

"I forget sometimes to be a good host.
Sit here a’ haunting, old heartbroken ghost."

"Let me just add some wood to the stove.
Tell me ,what brings you to Carpenter’s Grove?"